Le grand défi des Assises de l'interculturalité, c'est de faire accepter cette idée, estime Edouard Delruelle. Il espère qu'elles traiteront de problèmes concrets.
Onder druk van de crisis draaien de Belgische banken langzaam de kredietkraan weer dicht. Als die trend doorzet, kan het voorzichtige herstel van de economie in de kiem worden gesmoord. Lees het volledige artikel in De Standaard hier.
I am a young economist at the Itinera Institute, a Brussels based think-tank for sustained economic growth and social protection, and an independent consultant. Since September 2010 I teach "The Contemporary American Economy" class of the M.A. Program in American Studies at the University of Antwerp. I hold degrees in economics from the KULeuven and the College of Europe, and I am an IHS (George Mason University, Virginia) alumnus. My areas of interest (and expertise?) are the political economy in general, and social security systems and healthcare economics in particular. I publish, give lectures and participate in debates in professional and policy circles, as well as in the media.