Sur les trois premiers mois de l'année, 22,7 millions de chèques ont été échangés par des sociétés de titres-services auprès de Sodexo, soit une hausse de 28 pc par rapport à la même période l'an dernier, ressort-il de chiffres rassemblés par le sociologue Jan Hertogen.
I am a young economist at the Itinera Institute, a Brussels based think-tank for sustained economic growth and social protection, and an independent consultant. Since September 2010 I teach "The Contemporary American Economy" class of the M.A. Program in American Studies at the University of Antwerp. I hold degrees in economics from the KULeuven and the College of Europe, and I am an IHS (George Mason University, Virginia) alumnus. My areas of interest (and expertise?) are the political economy in general, and social security systems and healthcare economics in particular. I publish, give lectures and participate in debates in professional and policy circles, as well as in the media.